Thursday, January 1, 2009

~Joyous Moments~

I am big on traditions. Keeping them with busy schedules can be tricky. Spencer and Chandler always open a small gift on Christmas Eve.
Christmas morning, though, is what we all look forward to. Chandler admitted to never being able to sleep on the night before Christmas. I think I remember doing the same when I was his age. It is hard for me to explain the feeling I get when the boys open their gifts.Yet, something about the magic in the air and the expression their eyes seems to need no explanation. Like the saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words".

Spencer got the game "Sorry". We all sat down to play in the afternoon and Luther decided to take a nap on the game. This picture was taken right before he stretched and his paw swiped over the board causing a three way tie for the win!!

Legos are a boys best friend.

Clad in their p.j.'s, Spencer and Chandler dumped out their stockings.

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