Tuesday, November 4, 2008

~Field Trip to Vala's~

Every year, the elementary kids at school go to one of Omaha's best and biggest fall attractions. Vala's has been a treat for us for several years. From the home-made sweet potato chips to the the bumpy hayride, the pumpkin patch is a great way to usher autumn in. Check out their cool site at http://www.valaspumpkinpatch.com/
The morning's first light beaming upon harvest bounty...this started my day off with joy.

City kid on country toy.

Man, this thing is complicated, I think I will just stick to my skateboard.

Some the K-6th graders at Omaha Baptist Academy

~As American as apple pie~

Baking is one my favorite fall and winter past times. It is relaxing and the benefits are usually delicious. I spent an afternoon peeling, coring and slicing a bucket full of apples. What I didn't use in the pie, I froze for a later date. Pie~what a wonderful way to enjoy the season!
Light and flaky crust is a baker's must!

The finished product-lasted one day.