So I know I haven't blogged in what...seven months? Things have been very busy. New job, more responsibility, lots of running here and there with the Spencer and Chandler, and trying to squeeze in every spare moment so I can spend time with Matt and the boys. All these things have made blogging take a bit of back seat. I have missed it.
So as not to ramble and not wanting to overwhelm the reader, I would rather write about the now, instead of playing catch up.
A few months ago, Sarah and I decided to take a fun "girls just wanna have fun" trip together. Sometimes little breaks in the middle of a fast pace is a big must. After much talking and doing a little homework on locations, we decided on Boston as our destination. BOSTON BABY!
It is so funny how the lead up to a big trip like this is half the excitement. I mean, the planning, packing, booking of reservations and oh yes, all the shoes to make room for in the luggage. (I packed ten pair for 5 days.) Then the big day comes. It is like being back in grade school with all the emotion.
Sarah arrived at my house Thursday early evening. I had worked all week and Thursday after work, I rushed home to get the last minute packing done. Our flight was to depart at 5:40am Friday, so an early bedtime was key.
I had to kiss and hug Spencer and Chandler goodbye at bedtime since of course they would be sleeping when we left. Sad.
Matt sweetly got up the next morning to see us off. Talk about devotion!
The routine after that is the basic. Check bags, security, wait at the gate, board, sit, taxi, sit, taxi, sit, fly, and yawn like crazy to pop those ears.
We booked our seats together but we actually sat across the aisle from each other. I asked the guy sitting by me if he would be willing to switch seats with Sarah, but he wanted a window. Even though, it was crazy early, we still found things to talk about on that dark, quiet passenger plane. I think we talked too much b/c the guy beside me eventually said Sarah could just have his seat. It was one of those very funny moments to us. But maybe you had to be there.
We had a very long (three hour) layover in Milwaukee and then boarded our second plane to Boston. Oh my word, on the second plane, we got fresh baked homemade chocolate chip cookies. Two! We got two cookies each! It was the happiest flight I had ever been on. Sarah and me were stunned at how a warm cookie could make everyone on that plane smile a little bit, even the grouchy passengers.
Because we had to fly over the harbor and a very small part of the Atlantic, it was a teensy bit nerve racking as we landed. The plane banked hard and I prepared to endure a watery grave. But alas, my fears were again in vain and we had a happy, slightly bumpy, but safe landing on the runway. The water was another thing that brought those passengers together. It just is so interesting to watch complete strangers all stare out the window at the same big blue-green expanse of water. Makes me smile just thinking about it. Sarah and me just kept saying "WE'RE IN BOSTON!!" It was obvious we were from the mid-west.
Airport, baggage claim, green ribbons. The green ribbons will be something to look forward to on a later post.
We called for a shuttle and soon we were at our hotel.
Scoped out the sights of the hotel floor by floor. And I know we came here to have a super fun time. But after all the traveling, we were beat and decided to get a bite to eat and then for the rest of our night, we relaxed and planned out our week.
I am so thankful for the opportunity to take this wonderful trip with a wonderful friend. Many adventures yet to come.